
What is best for Inheritance Tax Children’s Gifts

Sally wanted to talk about making inheritance tax children’s gifts when I visited her to amend her will on the birth of her four-week-old grandson, Josh.  She asked me if I had a pension. ‘Non-sequitur,’ I thought. It was her opening for a discussion on the...

Without an LPA, they Stole Her Mum

Roalind Figg’s mother didn’t have a lasting power of attorney, therefore, the local council, snatched the old lady. It happened in Coventry!

Intestacy Rules Mean…

We should talk about what intestacy rules mean because there is a big hoo-ha every year. Every summer, you’ll hear it when you turn on the newspaper and when you open the television. Every year with the certainty with which the mushrooms follow the rain, there is a...

What Happens Without Power of Attorney

The sad tale of the policeman Paul Briggs demonstrates what happens without power of attorney. Generally, Court of Protection cases are private. In ordinary circumstances, you or I would never have heard of Paul Briggs. Meet Mr Briggs Mr Briggs joined the army at 16;...
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