
You might have come across a TV show called Heir Hunters. The reason the show exists is there are people who do not care who inherits their assets.

The two things my clients have in common are:

  • Their coming of age is marked by the acknowledgement of their mortality
  • They have taken steps to prepare for the financial consequences of their death on their loved ones.

Avoiding Heir Hunters

My clients don’t want their estate in the hands of Heir Hunters – whether they’re followed up and down the land by TV cameras. My clients aren’t keen on intestacy.

If Not Now, When?

Scarlet O’Hara might have been right. ‘Death, taxes and childbirth… there’s never a convenient time for them.’ Inconvenient timing notwithstanding, what sort of person fails to prepare for these cornerstones of life? Alain de Botton says: ’the contemplation of one’s mortality is a vital way to make sure one leads the sort of life one wants to lead. Leads one to squeeze every last drop of the lemon of life, a great incitement to kindness, to generosity and effort’.

I take it you’d like to control who got your estate. Naturally, you’d like to fend off outsiders and hangers on including the taxman.

Speak to an Expert

I’m an inheritance planner. Professionally, I’ve just one aim, making planning your inheritance easy and painless. Let’s face it, almost none of us knows the day of his death, you’re young(ish) and you’re not planning to die. So, if you prepared for your inheritance now, and if the planning is done correctly – in for a penny in for a pound, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be done properly. Your planning would always be up to date even if you lived another 90 years. It just takes a bit of proper planning. For that you have an expert. For that you have me.

They say talk is cheap. Actually, talk is free. Therefore, pick up the phone, call me on 020 8669 1779 to talk about keeping heir hunters out of your family’s business.

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