
Inheritance in Blended Families

When folk with previous marriages come together, the question of who gets what need not be a problem. Simply speak to an expert….

First Rule of the Codicil: We Don’t Talk About Codicils

On codicils. First, congratulations on writing your will. In the fullness of time you might need to update your will. There are good reasons you might want to change your will.You might have heard of codicils. It is a recognised means of changing a will. It is...

Intestacy & Overseas Property

You are forward thinking enough to not plan to die intestate. You understand the misery and mess that intestacy causes and you want to avoid that for your nearest and dearest. In for a penny, in for a pound – we should beware of accidental or partial intestacy. All...

Intestacy Rules Mean…

We should talk about what intestacy rules mean because there is a big hoo-ha every year. Every summer, you’ll hear it when you turn on the newspaper and when you open the television. Every year with the certainty with which the mushrooms follow the rain, there is a...

Assisted Suicide and Inheritance

I’d like to ask about Assisted Suicide and Inheritance. My mother is terminally ill – she has one of those nasty neurological diseases that I can’t pronounce. Bob, her husband of 21 years, has agreed to take her to Belgium (cheaper than Switzerland) so she may...

Common Law Marriage & Inheritance

Common law marriage and inheritance In short: there’s no such concept [not in the sense that you understand it]. The common law wife. The common law husband. Common law marriage and inheritance – a phrase that occurs in the context of intestacy Certain...
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