News & Resources

Cohabiting Couples’ Inheritance Rights

Dear Ade, What are the cohabiting couples’ inheritance rights? My partner and I have been together before my son who celebrated his twentieth birthday last weekend was born. He has a daughter from a previous relationship. I’ve always believed we were in a common law...

Non-Settlor Interested Trusts

Non-Settlor Interested Trusts

Hello, My sister has asked me to contact you. My wife and I are thinking of downsizing. We’re moving from an eight hundred thousand pound five-bedroom house to a £350,000 ground floor flat which we currently rent to tenants. We’ve served notice of termination of...

What’s a Person’s Estate?

Hello, I've a simple question, what's a person's estate? Many thanks All They Own A person's estate is simply everything they own. For inheritance tax purposes, one’s estate includes: The value of assets in person’s outright ownership.The value of the persons half...

Accidental Intestacy

Accidental Intestacy

Your question addresses accidental intestacy or partial intestacy. This special class of misfortune could befall people who own land and buildings both in this country and overseas…

Tenants in Common

Tenants in Common

While this principle of ownership as tenants in common applies to all manner of asset, we’ll concentrate here on land and buildings.

Preventing Unclaimed Assets

Preventing Unclaimed Assets

Preventing unclaimed assets – every client gets one of these storage boxes in which to store their property deeds, important papers, and wills and trust documents.

Joint Wills and Mutual Wills

Joint Wills and Mutual Wills

Q: I seem to recall your advice against joint wills and mutual wills. Yesterday, I overheard someone the other day talk of joint will. I'm confused. Was this just a slip of the tongue or do these people know what they're talking about? A: On my 25th birthday, Lorna...

Testamentary Capacity

Testamentary Capacity

I’ve never recommended marriage as a means of making testamentary provision, but as someone who has seen the entire series of James Bond movies, never say never.

Capital Gains Tax Liability

Capital Gains Tax Liability

My mum gave me half her house ten years ago, and I moved in with my partner some eight years ago. My mum died at Christmas, I fear my mother’s gift might have been another expensive one of your experience – more in hope than expectation, is there a way round it?

Fixed Fee Consultation

Fixed Fee Consultation

The simple question as we see, isn’t so simple, p’raps because there’s no such thing as a simple question.

The Deceased Estate

The Deceased Estate

Can you answer me a question that’s several times been nearly the start of a domestic in my parents’ household:
what is a person’s estate?

Free Copy: Maximum Inheritance Book

Free Copy: Maximum Inheritance Book

Drawing on my experience as an inheritance tax specialist, I wrote the book on making the most of your inheritance. Get your free paperback copy.

Inheritance Tax: Laugh at Suspicion

Inheritance Tax: Laugh at Suspicion

My know-it-all sister is not averse to the sale, but she says the sale must be at the full market value. Surely, my parents can sell their property to whomever they wish at whatever price they agree. Who’s right?

Tax and the Disabled Beneficiary

Tax and the Disabled Beneficiary

We were talking about making provision for her son with special needs, because as you know, beneficiaries with special needs are treated slightly less ungenerously by the tax system.

Books & Publications

Estate Planning Articles

Maximum Inheritance

Especially with estate planning articles, life’s work is simple: to help you keep the fruit of your life’s work in your family forever. You’ve lots of estate planning articles in my book, Maximum Inheritance….

….is an easy-to-read collection of estate planning articles, of thumbnail sketches of cases – both those I’ve handled personally and those in the public domain.

Reading this book would put you in the driving seat in planning your inheritance. You would be well appraised of the points to be aware of and questions to ask when planning your inheritance


020 8669 1779

18, Salisbury House, 8 Melbourne Rd, Wallington SM6 8SA