News & Resources

Pets in Wills

Pets in Wills

Many include provision for their animals in their wills. Many a film refers to this too….

Talk About Your Will

If you’re expecting an inheritance from your relatives, when do you plan to talk about them.

Inheritance in Blended Families

When folk with previous marriages come together, the question of who gets what need not be a problem. Simply speak to an expert….

Too Young for LPA?

Many see the lasting powers of attorney and the last will and testament as two completely separate, unrelated documents.

Does Divorce Invalidate Your Will?

On marriage. The wedding ceremony, grand or modest, marks the point in your relationship from which the best you can hope for is that one of you wakes up in the morning to find the other has died. So, would divorce invalidate your will?Afterall, the meaning, and...

First Rule of the Codicil: We Don’t Talk About Codicils

On codicils. First, congratulations on writing your will. In the fullness of time you might need to update your will. There are good reasons you might want to change your will.You might have heard of codicils. It is a recognised means of changing a will. It is...

What is best for Inheritance Tax Children’s Gifts

Sally wanted to talk about making inheritance tax children's gifts when I visited her to amend her will on the birth of her four-week-old grandson, Josh.  She asked me if I had a pension. ‘Non-sequitur,’ I thought. It was her opening for a discussion on the...

Intestacy & Overseas Property

You are forward thinking enough to not plan to die intestate. You understand the misery and mess that intestacy causes and you want to avoid that for your nearest and dearest. In for a penny, in for a pound – we should beware of accidental or partial intestacy. All...

Free Wills Month: There’s a Cost to Free

Free wills months... sensible idea?My car is due for service in about four hundred miles. As I work from home it would take me plenty weeks to drive those miles, no matter.  I’ll tell the garage owner that rather than pay her [a most personable lady runs the...

Do We Pay Capital Gains Tax?

We moved from our family home recently on our retirement. Our daughter has agreed to buy it from us. Will we have to pay tax on the sale of this house even though we lived in it for 20 years?

Missing Assets

There’s a simple way to ensure all assets in your name pass to your family… one must to one’s best to avoid ademptioon.

Worth More Dead Than Alive

The only reason one could say that is if they were comparing income to assets. That’s not even comparing
apples to oranges; it’s like comparing apples to motor cars.

Books & Publications

Estate Planning Articles

Maximum Inheritance

Especially with estate planning articles, life’s work is simple: to help you keep the fruit of your life’s work in your family forever. You’ve lots of estate planning articles in my book, Maximum Inheritance….

….is an easy-to-read collection of estate planning articles, of thumbnail sketches of cases – both those I’ve handled personally and those in the public domain.

Reading this book would put you in the driving seat in planning your inheritance. You would be well appraised of the points to be aware of and questions to ask when planning your inheritance


020 8669 1779

18, Salisbury House, 8 Melbourne Rd, Wallington SM6 8SA